Today I will be reviewing two graphic novels that I recently read. I highly enjoyed both but for entirely different reasons. First, I will talk about "Brain Noodles" by Todd Cotgreave. One of the things that I liked about this story was that it had a basic story structure (beginning, middle, end), however, it was not like every other story that you would see. This story was about two college students who were out to find the answers to life using LSD. This was a pretty easy read and the creativity used in the photos showing as if you were looking through their eyes was one of my favorite parts about the story. If I were to change anything about the story I would like to have seen what the devil looked like in the car! Once the girl sees the devil, it seems like the story just kind of drops off and they don't really find any answers (which I guess in a sense, if there isn't one, is sort of an answer). But I would have really enjoyed some type of more rounded off conclusion-- but, hey, you can only have so many conclusions with LSD in the picture.
The next graphic novel I read was "Daddy Issues" by Konrad Turnball. This story was definitely a favorite with all of the twists and turns throughout the story. My absolute favorite part of the story was when the son and one of the dads that he met were talking about two different things, but they thought that they were talking about the same thing. I love when the reader has omnipotence in the story and can still be surprised-- that takes a lot of whit-- and I like whit! The only thing I did not like about the story was maybe the level of vulgarness in it. While I did not mind, I can not see everyone enjoying it to the same level as did I. It certainly takes a certain type of sense of humor to enjoy something such as this. Regardless, a good read.