All I can say that this moment in time is that I value children to a completely different level than myself, and I fully intend on representing them and giving THEM a voice because I believe that so many go unheard or cared for as they should.
In addition to my research, I recently have decided to sponsor a child in Honduras. This is something that I have wanted to do for an extremely long amount of time and was not always financially stable to do so. Right now, however, I feel that I can and have decided to make this commitment. Her name is Stefany and she is a beautiful little girl that is only one year old. For what seems like play money to some Americans allows her to eat, get school supplies, and clothes for a month and be able to be taken care of in her country. I believe that being able to provide this for her will be able to help me connect more with the development of my project (and even more in life) throughout the years as I get to see this little girl grow up. I am truly blessed.
Well! That's all for now:) ...until next time.
photo by ben.chaney
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